President's Greeting

This year Meiji Shipping celebrates its 110th anniversary and I have taken office as president.
The Meiji Shipping Group has survived in a shipping market that is susceptible to severe fluctuations. Our Group has entered the hotel, childcare and nursing care businesses and has successfully achieved growth.

One of Meiji Shipping's six key policies is "The harvest is always ahead." This policy was already well established when I joined the Company. I think it means that results will come in the future, or that you must not think only about immediate profit.
The other five key policies are, of course, important, but personally I like this policy best. I think the policy is typical of Meiji Shipping.

We have not thought only about immediate profit but have looked at things, made investment decisions, cultivated human resources, and managed the Company from a long-term perspective. Since I started to work, I have felt that when a company become bigger and is listed, the entire company tends to focus on the issues and goals in front of them: medium-term management plans, annual results, quarterly results and monthly results.
I will continue to value the policy "The harvest is always ahead," which the Company has emphasized, and will work steadily to enable Meiji Shipping to grow to become a world leading company in each of its business segments when the Company celebrates the 150th and 200th anniversaries.

Since I joined Meiji Shipping in 2008, the Company has experienced numerous turbulent events, including the Global Financial Crisis, the appreciation of the yen, the Great East Japan Earthquake and COVID-19. These were all tremendous challenges. I feel that the Company, its employees and I changed and grew as we overcame each hardship.
I have no doubt we will face more turbulence ahead. However, the Meiji Shipping Group will continue to change and will take on challenges and overcome any hardships that await us.

Takaya Uchida
President, CEO
Meiji Shipping Group Co., Ltd.