Group-wide Initiatives

Meiji Shipping Group has established a Compliance Committee as well as an SDGs and Safety Committee to execute initiatives across all of our business divisions.

The Compliance Committee works to create a comfortable and friendly workplace free of abuse and harassment in every business division and department throughout the Meiji Shipping Group. Initiatives include training to raise awareness about compliance for all executives and regular, part-time, and temporary employees in addition to efforts to promote our whistleblowing system. The SDGs and Safety Committee carries out diverse environmental and social initiatives. Its efforts have led to the adoption of renewable energy in our offices as well as the launch of an environmental response task force to achieve carbon neutrality in our shipping division. The Committee formulates and drives forward initiatives that encourage shipowners to decarbonize. We have even set up a new Skill Development Office . This team not only holds various seminars for executives and employees but also provides training in Tokyo to international staff with no experience working in Japan so we can foster human exchange and share our corporate culture and philosophy. These efforts will help strengthen the next generation of human capital.

  • Social Initiatives
  • Environmental Initiatives

Compliance Committee Activities

The Meiji Shipping Group Compliance Committee has been placed directly under the Management Committee. The Compliance Committee ultimately aims to create a comfortable and friendly workplace free of abuse and harassment in every Meiji Shipping Group business division and department. Each division selects a person to act as a committee member to hold Committee meetings in the most appropriate manner.
Group-wide annual compliance training strives to raise awareness about compliance in executives as well as regular, part-time, and temporary employees. It also promotes our whistleblowing system that is used to report any misconduct or harassment. Our shipping, hotel as well as childcare and nursing care divisions each have their own distinct commercial practices and problems so we create and carry out training unique to each business.
Additionally, we have set up an Information Security Subcommittee overseen by the Compliance Committee to protect our Group’s information assets from accidents, disasters, attacks, and other such threats and to prove us worthy of the trust our customers and society place in us.

Framework to Support Active Employee Participation and Growth

Employee Recruitment and Development

The Meiji Shipping Group recruits both new graduates and mid-career professionals.
New graduates rotate between relevant departments in each company while undergoing new employee (OJT) and other training that includes tours of our ships and shipyards. In addition, these employees have access to programs supporting self-development through various e-learning courses to encourage independent growth.

Internal Newsletter

With a presence not only in Japan but also overseas, the Meiji Shipping Group publishes and distributes an internal newsletter to every office to share the same information from the same standpoint with every person working at any site in any country. In addition to the newsletter for our offices, we regularly publish and distribute a newsletter for seafarers to communicate the same ideas, training, and concepts with everyone on paper helping to educate all employees and lead to improvement of quality.

SDGs and Safety Committee Activities

The shipping industry transports an enormous volume of cargo while enjoying the natural wonder of the seas but a maritime accident can devastate this natural environment. As a group where our business is rooted in the charter out of large oil tankers, the Meiji Shipping Group has always done everything it can to ensure safe transport and to instill a spirit of environmental conservation since our early days. In 2006, we launched the Environment and Safety Committee to better drive forward Group-wide initiatives under the Management Committee. In 2021, we changed the name of this committee to the SDGs and Safety Committee to appropriately reflect the need for broader contributions to a sustainable society and push forward a variety of Group-wide initiatives.

Environmental Policy

  • We will always maintain harmony with the environment and formulate policies intended to ensure everyone lives a healthy and prosperous life while forever passing down a beautiful global environment and its bounty to our children and our children's children.
  • We promise to not simply advocate the protection of the environment in our policies but also in the actions of each and every person to realize the Policy in all Meiji Shipping Group business activities.
  • M-ECO(Meiji Ecological Commitment)
    • Manage Environmental actions
    • Educate our Employees
    • Conserve natural resources
    • O (Zero) Environmental incidents

Total Use of Renewable Energies at the Tokyo Main Office

The Meiji Shipping Group Tokyo Main Office is located in the Shin-SURFEEL Nakameguro Building while the Group is housed in the SURFEEL Nakameguro Building. As of March 2022, both of these buildings have fully switched to electricity derived from 100% renewable energy with non-fossil fuel certificate. The transition to renewable energy reduces our CO2 emissions by 182 tons annually.

Environmental Office Initiatives

Eco Efforts

Every office uses recycled paper and promotes the Eco-Cap Collection activity as two environmental conservation initiatives close to home. We promote activities to collect plastic bottle caps and spent TEPRA cartridges as well as campaigns to recycle empty contact lens cases. We consider activities like these an opportunity to raise awareness about eco efforts in all of our employees. We also stay aware and get involved in local environmental conservation efforts outside of our offices, such as cleanup activities in the local community.

Office Building Initiatives

We are undertaking many environmental initiatives at Meiji Shipping Group office buildings from the adoption of solar power generation systems, insulation coating on exterior walls, rooftop greening systems, double-pane windows, and LED lighting to a transition to purely electric offices, waterless toilets, high-efficiency fluorescent lighting, restrooms fully equipped with motion sensor lights, and energy-saving air-conditioning systems. Our objective is to execute business management in the most eco-friendly way possible.